Comments from the darkness where only a den of iniquity exists or perhaps I'm in the White House.
How I Survived The Children's Crusade
Published on May 4, 2005 By Chuck In Welcome
There is a beginning as with everything else and this is it. The past few years have taught me beginning and end are often confused with initiation and conclusion; creation and demise; or Abbott and Costello. If that makes sense to you, please contact and explain the significance for me to pass it on to someone else.

This blog will convey my ramblings usually happening in the late hours of the night when no one else is around to care. Of course, no one is usually around since my home life consists of me, two pet outside lizards named Izzy and Moe, books galore, en empty refrigerator and an assistant manager of my apartment complex who is so beautiful it creates uninhibited unabased basfulness of my behalf. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Enough of this and more will be forthcoming whenever the mood strikes which it just did. Its always interesting to write on whatever strkes my fancy and usually is preceded by something. Something meaning stimulation or the lack of coffee. We have all certain bias and I am not exception. The following is listed for the benefit of my audience: Politicians, warhawks, bureaucrats, advocates of self-indulgent Sosan Sonntag, neoconservatives, neoleftwingers, neowhatevers, religiosos, Roseanne, Faux Channel, Henry Kissing/Richard Nixon, will add more when time permits or I care enough. Is Brittany Spears preganant or can she sing/ Who cares......Is Elvis alive? Its a dead subject!..........What about the Iraq War? Draft the Bush Twins and send their father over to finish the nearly 18 months he was absent without leave from the Guard.............What about Dick Cheney? Who???????.........Can Tom DeLay survive? Well, his attitude is poor, but he will make a good customer service rep for AOL!! Finally, what's your take on Paris Hilton and Nicole Richey? Well, Paris literally made it on her back and will be forgotten shortly. Whooooo? No comment on Nicole since she and whoooooooo are on the outs. By the way, who cares about them anyway? What do I care about? My Mom's toy Fox Terrier, Tipper. She loves me unconditionally....hmmmmmmmmmm Is there anything else you want to write about tonight? Nope...I am mentally exhausted from all the turmoil of creation. Furthermore, my brain is taxed, maxed and in need of stimulation.

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