Sitting at the table watching Dune and wondering if Washington D.C. needs a larger portion of spice.
Read an article that 10 bases on the prior military closing list rated most toxic polluted status. Well, that stands to reason since a great amount of coffee were dumped during all those necessary breaks. EPA states it doesn't have enough money to clean them up to recent Bush cutbacks, but the President signed another bill yesterday providing Iraq and Afghani military operations another $82 billion. Apparently its a choice whether people suffer there or die here from chemical poisoning.
President Bush is issuing a retraction to a redaction for a reduction in the production of obfuscation within his administration and is now seeking obscuration. Confusion is a primary ingredient for the expedient flow of this government.
Paula Abdul should have stuck to choreography and left reality behind.
Jerry Falwell has announced he reconciled with the Teletubbies during his recent hospital stay somewhere between painkillers.
Another military academy has come under the microscope for religious discrimination. Don't really know why this is a surprise since my basic training experience gave me two choices on Sundays-either Protestant or Catholic services.
Steroids no longer seem to be the top issue in baseball. Apparently, the enhancer does not increase brain size since no one to seems recalls the late Lyle Alzado who pleaded for athletes to avoid lest his own fate. Rest in peace, Lyle.
First Lady Laura Bush gave a rathy bawdy sthlick recently at the White House Press Association dinner dissing her husband's masculinity. Its not surprising the White House had a dinner for them since so many may receive government funding. The highlight was Mrs. Bush confiding the President attempted to milk a "male horse." What does that say for her choice in love?
Who is Tucker Carlson and why would anyone listen to someone that doesn't understand Jon Stewart has a comedy show. Carlson needs a tour of duty with the Marines to find the meaning of honor and sacrifice.
Speaking of sacrifice, United Airlines recently received manna from heaven after bankruptcy court granted them a divorce from the pension. Thousands will be lost on individual retirement account yearly, but United is happy. So ecstatic the board will probably give the CEO a bonus. Wonder why President Bush is not hawking this as "governmentizing" retirement since the feds have have to pay off only a portion of the fund.
The pentagon stated recently they could not afford to provide compensation nor medical treatment for those injured in the war on terrorism. In face, a spokesperson stated the needs of national security were greater. No comment needed.
Zsa Zsa Gabor is still married and convicted.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if our government was as open as viewing West Wing?
Speaking of which, Wag The Dog is rapidly becoming the norm rather than the exception.
Rush Limbaugh's court case suffered a reversal when his appeal to have his medical records remain private was denied. This is unusual since he wants his medical records private in an to avoid prosecution while the Justice Department is arguing for access to all abortion clinic files for possible prosecution.
Pat Robertson still thinks Charles Taylor, former cruel dictator of Nigeria, was a good Christian.
Why are so many children in this country dying from murder?
President Bush wants to cut food stamps for the poor elderly in this nation. Reasoning is this will stimulate the economy through dog food sales-the scandal the Reagan Administration had to endure when many seniors were found existing on cheap dog food. Give another bonus to Halliburton.....
Why is the Navy naming carriers after those still living instead of following tradition of only the deceased? The George H.W. Bush is going to be renamed The October Surprise.
Ann Coulter has announced she intends to remain Ann Coulter as long as people pay attention to her. $30,000 a pop for lectures isn't bad for someone who had difficulty practicing law where courts ascertain the truth.
Finally, Attorney General Gonzales stated the abuses at Abu Ghraib were alleged incidents. Of course, his comments fly in the face of international law specifically the Convention Against Torture, the 4th Geneva Convention and recent court martial convictions. Citing these as alleged is like saying we have no war dead from the war on terrorism.
Cogito ergo sum.
I need an income.