Comments from the darkness where only a den of iniquity exists or perhaps I'm in the White House.
How Hiding Can Reveal True Nature
Published on May 17, 2005 By Chuck In Current Events

I have come to admit several bloggers who put out an excellent product: Kos, The Rude Pundit, and many more. I am learning as I go along and do a lot of reading to improve the quality of this production. That is, technical reading as opposed to my normal bibliophilic tendencies to go through everything my hands are placed on. Here's a listing of books being read and completed this week:

The President of Good and Evil by Peter Singer
Chance and Circumstance by Baskir and Strauss
Mad In America by Whitaker
The Arrogance of Power; The Secret World of Richard Nixon by Anthony Summers
Billy The Kid by Robert Utley
The Popes Against The Jews by David L. Kertzen
And The Band Played On By Schilts
Dodsworth by Sincalir Lewis
Who Spoke Up? An American Protest Against The War In Vietnam 1963-75 by Zaroulis and Sullivan.

Enlightened souls have always been the scourage of politicians and bureaucrats. Why not you enlightening yourself and going after the bureaucratic offenders. Just ask "why" and watch the perspiration break out.

May 20th has been designated by the US Army as Recruiter Standdown Day due to numerous incidents of no-nos in ethic and legality by recruiters. Undboutedly, as mentioned before, local commanders will emphasize committment, excellent, honor and then threaten to send them to Iraq if more recruits are brought it. Army concept of discipline is this: open a lock/close the lock. This and the favorite command of "as you were" changes the tone and complexity of everything. For example, Mash, you are biggest candy ass on this man's planet!! Ok, as you were, (its now erased), I see here you received several medals for valor and heroies. You are now the biggest medal carrying candy ass in this man's army. I love logic.

Heres an Army of One caught in the act: "Channel 11 News in Houston revealed that a local Army recruiter was caught on tape, as he left a message threatening a young man with arrest if he didn't come into the recruiting station.

Sgt. Thomas Kelt left this message on that young man's cell phone:

"Hey Chris, this is Sgt. Kelt with the Army man. I think we got disconnected. Okay, I know you were on your cell probably and just had a bad connection or something like that. I know you didn't hang up on me. Anyway, by federal law you got an appointment with me at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Greenspoint Mall, okay? That's the Greenspoint Mall Army Recruiting Station at 2 o'clock. You fail to appear and we'll have a warrant. Okay? So give me a call back."

Of course, the recruiter committed a big legal sin by threatining a warrant and could possibly be the receipient of a crap dog himself; but miniscule compared to the bad press the Green Machine is receiving over this.

There have also been incidents where recruiters have supplied information where to find counterfit graduation certification, drug body cleaning kits, etc. And to top it off, the Army announced this week they were dropping enlistment plans down to 15 months.

15 months.....according to law enacted during the Reagan Administration, you have to serve the minimum of 24 months to receive basic Veteran Administration benefits. Unless of course, you are injured on active duty and this changes everything to the date of injury. Nice to hear the Army is thinkng about 15 months to save all the benefit money.....

Neal Horsley, conservative scourge, admitted during an interview he regularly had sex with a mule. He had been previously lauded by President Bush, but no comment has been forthcoming after this admission. My only concern is why no one interviewed the mule for her viewpoint. Does this mean the radical religious right is reconsidering their stand against same-sex marriages for animal bonking instead.

Another Bush person, Dr. David Hager, member of the Bush Family Values Council, always projected a wonderful family man image until his wife admitted he routinely anal raped her without consent. Those family values can certainly be a killer if you don't watch out.
President Bush has announced he is going after wasteful Social Security money like SS Disability and SSDI. He desires to cut this funding since its obvious these people only obtained certification of permanent disability curtailing work to avoid the job market and $5.25 per hour. Remember, the Reagan Administration simply bounced 200,000 out without the right of redress...wham, bam, you're out. The US Treasury ended up paying millions in back pay and attorney fees during the Bush I administration due to this. Ironically, most cut suffered from mental health challenges unlike Horsley who likes Mules and Hager, above, who rapes his wife.
Speaking of a desire to be sexually oriented, Larry Flynt has obtained information from numerous sources that Mr. John Bolton, UN ambassador nominee, participated in paid visits to Plato’s Retreat, the popular swingers club that operated in New York City in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Undoubtedly this was to commiserate the sorrow felt when Nixon had to resign for unpresident like felonies and later, President Reagan found himself in numerous scandals as well. John is a sensitive guy who just like to yell at people and chase high ranking foreign service female staff members down the hotel hallway.
"The Bush administration periodically put the USA on high alert for terrorist attacks even though then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge argued there was only flimsy evidence to justify raising the threat level, Ridge now says.

Ridge, who resigned Feb. 1, said Tuesday that he often disagreed with administration officials who wanted to elevate the threat level to orange, or "high" risk of terrorist attack, but was overruled."

Hmmmm, this couldn't have possibly been to keep Americans on their toes and magic fingers towards the ballot box for Bush, could it have? Besides that, the tremendous amount of money wasted caused many governors to simply refuse the call up of National Guard and Law Enforcement for overtime.

What is the moral of this whole story? Simply, George Bush should have kept his National Guard uniform on and not disappeared for up to 18 months. Gosh, I've been out for 35 years and still recall where my assignments were, but the Pres. can't with great detal. Methinks the combination of Daddy getting him into the Guard three days after graduating from college and then a direct commission as a 2Lt which he wasn't even remotely qualified for was a telling point. Well, all you have to do is score the lowest points conceivable on your Officer Test, 25, and you get a direct commission. Too bad he jumped ahead of a multitude of more qualified people to avoid being with the common sort in Vietnam.

Hey, we would have helped him learn the ropes. Taught him counterinsurgency tactics, 32 pressure points on the human body that can rander or kill someone, how to read the jungle, who Charlies was and how to avoid E-8s....a very important skill. Also, he could have found some class cocaine to the habit at cheap cutrate prices along with Snake Brand Hash and learned the intricacies of how to send it home.

By dodging the draft, George forsook us and is not even considered a Veterans since he did not spend any federal active duty time. Plenty of Texas Air National Guard duty time the first few months in flight school, but then the mysterious disappeance of him into Alabama; the urgent phone calls before USAF bounced him out; and finally, corroborating documents substanting his time in Texas, not Alabama. Wow, I am really not impressed.

Finally, Dave Chappelle has surfaced and stated he was not in a drug program, a psychiatric facility, or with Dick Cheney in the Cessna. Dave was kicking back since he needed the time to vegged out from thos intense execs at higher level. Dave, keep your cool; contact me and we'll cruise the Arizona desert where you can mellow out and really enjoy life for a change. You can even bring Dick Cheney along unless he has a mission with the Cessnna.

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