Comments from the darkness where only a den of iniquity exists or perhaps I'm in the White House.
Rag A Tag Choice-Is It A Lie Or Is It The Truth?
Published on May 21, 2005 By Chuck In Current Events
Scott McClellan, White House press secretary, learned a very valuable lesson recently>he press honeymoon is over. Mr. McClellan was challenged numerous times while attempting to drive the final nail into Newsweek's coffin and probably wished Jeff Gannon were still there lobbing softball questions. Alas and alack, he couldn't come up with believable answers to simple questions like explaining why the President was not notified for 47 minutes after the emergency evacuation began; why the sudden White House emphasis on this particular article; and finally, the clincher, why he hadn't read the Downing Street Memo after criticicizing it. From now on, his new nickname is SpongeScott who absorbs all, but seldom is squeezed for a drop of truth.

The Downing Street Memo is finally getting recognition and analysis in the Fourth Estate. Its obvious when you subscribe to cause and effect theory-Faux News viewing is down considerably and O'Reilly is off by nearly 35%. Obviously, the Handlers will have to come up with something big to place their man in the big way again-they tried the dead grenade, live grenade routine with no noticeable results. Here's one that wil bee an absolute hit with everyone-President Bush admits an error!!! Its the hit of the season, el gigantica, the lollapalooza, ultimatica and probably won't be belived due to his track record. Oh, well, he can always go back to his honorable discharge from the guard routine.

The White House went after Newsweek for allegedly printing story that caused riots, but did not mention a very nasty cartoon appearing the Washington Times which showed a brave American Soldier petting a turbaned dog (Pakistan) holding a Muslim between its teeth with theGI captioned as saying "Get Usasma" or something to that effect. Pakistan is very angry, there have been anti-American riots, but nary a word of criticism from George. You see, Sun Myung Moon, convicted felon and self-proclaimed messiah, owns the Washington Times. Moon has put millions into the Bush Campaigh coffers, visited the White House for promo shots and even had a party at the Capitol a few weeks ago where he wore a crown, purple cape and looked divine. Various senators bowed before him, or should it be kowtow, for his grace. Lets see, a convicted felon, close to the President, close to senators and representatives, big money and very anti-communist. Okay, its all adds up.....its in the money!!!

By the way, the White House is also mum about all the Koran Desecration press reports issued since 2002 by both world and the United States press. Particularly interesting was a International Committee of the Red Cross Report, dated 2003, which listed all of these desecrations including the Koran used in a totally in appropriate manner. Again, George found an opening and shot right in there for the effoect. From now on, his new nickname is Pointer George!!

Arnold Schwarzennegger has been quiet...he's trying to ascertain a way to save California from himself.

The White House has yet to identify the house staffer who was impersonating a Secret Service agent and ordering people out of public forums the President attended. Apparently, some eagle eyes were scoping the bumper stickers and t-shirts to find hints of non-advanced stages of rampant Republicanism, like Democrat or anti-war slogs, and then the staffer would do his best act to throw them out. Problem, however, is its against federal law, a felony, to impersonate an agent and even more so on the basis they were ejected. Honest White House telling dishonest national magazine they made big error when White House cannot admit they made one too with this guy. Sounds logical to me!!

Whatever happened to the White House Staffer that outed the CIA Agent--you know, a major felony also?

Professional sports are meeting with Congress to hammer out new legislation to abolish steroids. Sports reps, without NFL, are discussing various tactics to stem the flow by comparing cocaine acquisition notes learned from the House Post Office Scandal a few years ago. Undoubtedly, pro sports will gain much wisdom from our erstwhile leaders and perhaps even a workable bill.

Condoleeza Rice make a quick trip to Iraq, donned a flak jacket and then returned home. Good photo op!! Only 37 dead bodies were found.

The discredited Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Justice and Give Us The Money donned their war paint once more, flew onto the field of illusionary battle fully funded by rich donations, attempted to locate Senator Hillary Clinton, couldn't find where she had crossed into Cambodia or when, and returned to their side swearing to run nasty television commercials instead. Do these guys have a life?

The last Star Wars flic is out, oh my god!!! Generally, good things have been said, although some are already been complaining about the political overtones. Jeeeeeessssssh, next thing you know, some necons will be organizing a boycott citing Sith was written to diss the President. Now that you mentioned it...hmmmmmmmmm.

Are you ready for this? The fab music group, Journey, was scheduled to have a show here. The million dollar question was asked: with or wthout Steve Perry. Answer: without. Nexttttttttttttttt!!!! Very few groups have the continuity to put on a good show without the main or sub main starliners-saw Steffenwolff a few years ago and they were fantastic. John McKay belted them out and his band was ultra fantastic. Styx, however, was not the same without Tommy Shaw or Dennis DeYoung. Also hear Cream is scheduled to hit the circuit again, but wonder if the originals are gonna do it. Wait and see....

O'Reilly announced during a couple of nights ago he had not made a mistake, a single mistake, during 8.5 years of operation. He was then corrected by his guest for foisting a worn out Jane Fonda machination on the audience, but the non-eruditic O'Reilly stood his ground. The next night he admitted he was wrong which bring the exact total to 3 admissions from numerous wrongos. Lets see, he called Senator Boxer a nut and then denied he said it, but admitted the next night he did; called the last Pope senile, but denied he said it, but finally admitted he did; said he grew up in a poor part of Levitttown NY, but in reality didn't since he was the son of a CPA and Physical Therapist. Hey, you don't send three kids to parochial school then O'Reilly off to Marist College and then London School of Economics to avoid the draft without some big bucks.

It has been a close struggle, but the Chinese Government now own more investments in America than Saudi Arabia. Thank you, President Bush and was this why you recently issued a textile tariff on China? Don't tick them off, George, they have billions of our treasury bonds and may call them in!! Why did you authorize sales to the Chinese?

The Foundation for Peace Committe, announced a recent study of the Palestinian National Authority and used a statement from the PNA Finance Secretary who uttered a fantastic figure of $10 Billion is not accounted for. Wonder if its the same bunch that's running the Iraq war for us?

The trial date for Ken Lay, former Enron CEO and now amnesiac, is drawing closer. He'll probably draw a five month sentence in some posh prison like Martha did and then come out richer than when he went in. American style justice for the rich, there oughta be a law....

Speaking of which, remember the pie-in-the-face guy who successfully tagged Ann Coulter in Tucson. Ann complained about this guy not being indicted, but failed to include one small item-neither she or a designated attorney showed up to ID the guy and file the paperwork. So Ann complained again and now the poor schmuck is being reindicted by the scandal ridden Pima County Attorney's Office. Let's make a deal-Ann spends half of his sentence for him to learn something from being inside like what reality is like. If its good enough for Leona and Zsa Zsa, its good enough for Baa Baa Ann.>her new nickname!!

Does anyone really care if Paris Hilton writes her autobiography? She's already done one about her pet Chihuahua. He wasn't that cute...

Everybody Loves Raymond will be missed...good show, great cast and my love for Patricia Heaton knew no bounds.....ah, the pangs run so deep.

They better not replace it with some stinking reality show like Brittany Spears does her toenails, Ashley Simpson lipsyncs her lipstick, or Michael Jackson's chimp shows tears for his master's non-conviction. Really believe the people who come up with these reality shows have been sucking trailer hitches for about 6 months and then wander into a medical facility where they're given lifelong prescriptions for prozac and hi-colonics with a garden hose. The result is a reality show.

Finally, I reacquainted myself with a beautiful woman last night...hadn't see her in quite awhile and she is really something. Managed to twist my tongue and say something closely resembling Russian, I think, before she hit me on the back and asked if it helped. I said, ya,; she said, okay. Go into her Kia and drove away. What's the moral of this story: when you want something, don't be a dumb ass. If you have to be a dumb ass, then at least be cute!!

See ya all next time in the world of MisMash.

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