Comments from the darkness where only a den of iniquity exists or perhaps I'm in the White House.
Pre-Mash Rumblings When Half Awake
Published on June 30, 2005 By Chuck In Personal Computing
Apple is considering switching chip manufacturing from Motorola to Intel. Seems I recall IBM once had a financial portion of Intel and wonder what the status of that deal is now? Apple and IBM have been negotiating quite a bit and one can only wonder if something is up that will irritate Redmond Bill. Time will tell......

Somewhere, sometime, the President gotta find some speechwriters that make sense. You listen to the guy read the teleprompter (and not that well), but wonder if these speechwriters have been snorting carpet fuzz all night. They can't seem to remember promises made a week ago much less statements a year ago. Hey, George finally stated Iraq wasn't part of the 9/11 deal and here is the same charge popping up again. These guys need to go to a good Iowa barn to shovel pigpoo in 98 degree temperature with the humidity at the same level to get their brain cells motivated. They can also take the President, VP and SeDef along as well for some honest work for a change instead of screwing up.

Ann Coulter finally discovered Gitmo when someone told her this was the shortened name for Guantanamo in Cuba. Ms. Coulter then proceeded to check with local tourist agencies in NYC, etc., and lo and behold, Gitmo is now a five star hotel. Can you imagine that? Ann's new career since she can't fake being an intellectual much longer will undoubtedly be a tour guide. In fact, she can take Julie's place on the Love Boat and honk on Gopher all day since he was a Republican Representative. Other that that, Ann Coulter really doesn't much for intellectual discourse within society except when asleep. Other than be overly concerned with mass book sales by CostCo, Sam's Club, etc, and expecting to be hawking them on any television show on is getting old. She fully realizes sales are tied to outlandish remarks, but even conservatives have her number now and are calling her on it. A CBC interview went badly when Golly Gee Brain Went South Ann attempted to convince host Brian McKeown Canada had fought along side the United States in the Vietnam War. Of course, they had not, she was reminded by McKeown, but Ann would not give this up stating she would get back to him. Of course, this ruined the whole evening when Ann was going to lambast our Northern Neighbors for non-participation in Iraq and then found they might not have participated in Vietnam as well. Ann just had to go back to her five star hotel and take a mudbath to relieve herself and insure no Muslims were around.

Why is it when the President is close to giving a speech, his underlings cannot keep their big mouths shut. First, its Deferment Dick Cheney stating the insurgents are in the "final throes:" followed by the SecDef informing us this war may go on for another 12-15 years. Why does he keep them around except for comic relief? Time to invest in a heavy sock and give directions for inserting into mouth within three months of a speech.

Meanwhile, the commercial development has not been going well in Iraq particularly in Baghdad. Electricity is not up to its full pre-war level yet and Halliburton may need at least another 20-40 billion dollars to bribe enough bureaucrats to turn the switch at undamaged stations. The Gap, Wal-Mart, Target, Burger King, etc., is just chomping at the bits to get going in Baghdad in a full strip mart design, but is kind of hesitating with all this insurgency occurring. Never fear, VP Deferment Dick Cheney states they are in the final throes and then solid commericialization can commence with due haste as soon as all the fundamentalist churches are built to bring these heathens to the Lord, per Dobson.

The President quickly dispatched various fundamentalist groups to Iraq to minister unto the masses and even put one group in charge of a newspaper whose first issue not only offended the Muslims, but down right ticked them off. Never fear, this is to be anticipated when the Word of God comes down upon the masses who really don't want to hear it. Fundamentalists haven't been that successful and may have to resort to social services which was their second plan. The conversion can come later after the President talks with God. Meanwhile, the crossover rate is not that sterling since the fundamentalists are getting hung up on asking for money every 2 minutes and 42 seconds; not quite the sterling Jim and Tammie record, but trying!!

The feds finally found a way to worm into the internet the Federal Election Commission. Sites which are used expressively to haw a candidates or groups bearing the same partly label may not get to do their thing. In fact, many sites may feel the sting since there were excellent blogs that researched the missing two years of George's national guard duty and he is still ticked about that. Time for payback and the FEC is almost ready to levy rules and regulations (except for Republican far right candidates of course).

I keep getting emails from Alien Computers and seem to like their stuff. There was a time when Worst Buy (Best Buy to most) carried Alien so I shuffled over to their tidy little store to seek the latest. I found one computer appropriately placed at an aisle's end to entice onlookers. It had top of the line everything plus a very unique tower case, etc., but the price was slight up there next to "knock, knock, knockin', on heaven's door." The salesperson was overenthusiastic about the system to the point of my wondering if someone needed to run out for Ritalin. He looked very depressed when I told him I was only looking and would probably be back (sometime when politicians are honest!). It looked good, but that god awful price tag just had to go away.

Finally, I run two antispyware programs on my computer, SpySweeper and CounterSpy; both excellent, highly rated and they do the job. I still find it amazing how trojans, particularly, get onto my system. My firewall is cranked up high enough to barely let me in, but lo and behold, my fantastic Kasperk Personal found a trojan, IST, and let me know about it. Since I have always had faith in the Cossacks doing their sacred duty, I hit the delete and away went the ISTTrojan to another dimension. Naturally, I ran everything else to be sure and found nothing which really didn't help in my quest to find the route. Being a good American and not Ann Coulter, I placed the responsibility on myself for something downloaded which must have had this attached to it somehow. Humbly, I bowed to the pyre of error and said the magic words, "I think it's my error." My computer immediately whirred me into absolution and now I am good for another 30 days maybe or unless their is another screwup. My computer, Elwood, is pretty direct about screwups and I am proud to say the probability factor is 99% for me and an error factor of 1% otherwise. That gives me a lot of latitude to work with and someday a good one will be found.\

Time to watch MASH on the Hallmark Channel since Frank and HotLips are an item in the pre-Donald Penobscott shows.

on Jun 30, 2005
*hums the MASH tune*
on Jun 30, 2005
Great tune, Thomassen.......and the words "Suicide is painless, brings about many changes, etc.," is even more fantastic.

Thanks for nice melodic comment.....
on Jul 01, 2005
Don't now guys, rather watch Monty Python
Some clever stuff there Chuck, keep it up
on Jul 01, 2005
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay..
on Jul 01, 2005
I put on women's stockings and eat buttered scones for tea (or something)
on Jul 01, 2005
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay
I sleep all night and I work all day
     He's a lumberjack and he's okay
     He sleeps all night and he works all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavat'ry
On Wednesdays I go shopping
And have buttered scones for tea
     He cuts down trees...
     He's a lumberjack...

I cut down trees, I skip and jump
I love to press wild flow'rs
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars
     He cuts down trees...
     He's a lumberjack...

I cut down trees, I wear high heels
Suspendies and a bra
I wish I'd been a girlie
Just like my dear papa
     He cuts down trees...
     He's a lumberjack...
on Jul 01, 2005
LOL that's it. Great skit.
on Jul 05, 2005
Monty Python is so we need their humor now more than ever.

Thanks all for posting....