Comments from the darkness where only a den of iniquity exists or perhaps I'm in the White House.
Chuck's Articles
July 30, 2005 by Chuck
Well, my name is Karl Rove and things are getting rather warm for me right now. Seem like when all these fine folk try to help, I just get deeper and deeper into the doo doo. I've told them several time to back off and just let the investigation take its course, but to no avail since the President thinks he knows best which means a different spin each week. He still talks to God after taking his medications, you know. Consequently, I am considering setting up in an entirely different f...
July 23, 2005 by Chuck
Firefox has gained immensive popularity as both an individual and business internet browser due to its simplicity of operation, speed and security. Installation is simple to say the least, but the real treats were the controls IE initially lacked: popups, spam and effective cookie control. They are relatively easy to set up and then can be with a simple click to identify the culprits. Like many others, I started out initially using the Netscape browser and liked its overall ease of use and...
July 23, 2005 by Chuck
Goodness, gracious, John Byrne at Raw Story and Ron Brynaert at Why Are We Back In Iraq did the hardcore research that elaborated and expanded on the Rude Pundit's initial reporting showing Baa Baa Ann Coulter apparently plagiarized a column. This isn't surprising since charges of the same regarding her "books" substantiated major errors in facts, footnotes and overall lack of scholarship, but no lawsuit ensued from any quarter. Poor Baa, Baa, she just can't seem to find her groove lately aft...
July 18, 2005 by Chuck
They came into my country spreading along like insects at night. Their cannons had raked the villages and extended beyond like a distant rainstorm. They wore funny shaped hats with cloth covering their eyes from sights chosen not to see. We were promised much to give up what we had, but those words were empty. They wanted our support, our ideas, our culture, our land, and our souls. I remember walking across land beautiful from the spring rain as far as the eye could see. The water was cle...
July 18, 2005 by Chuck
Watching Tears Of The Sun, starring Bruce Willis, about a SEAL team extracting an American doctor and several patients from potential massacre in Nigeria. Difficult not to think about massive deaths in Rwanda occurring over the past few years with very little being said in main stream press about this tragedy. Then again, there are so many tragedies going on in this world today with little regard being given. ________________ Does any actor look so natural in a Navy uniform than Tom Skeri...
July 15, 2005 by Chuck
The President of the United States will be holding a special news conference to discuss the Karl Rove situation among other items. Here is his press secretary, Sponge Scott McClellan, coming to the podium to begin denials; Sponge : Good Morning, it has been a hectic week and remember, no Karl Rove questions since we are committed to let the investigation continue unimpeded since that wasn't done before while we were touting his innocence. Times change. Press : What is the White House ...
July 14, 2005 by Chuck
Just think about your poor innocent desktop, laptop or notebook computers....They serve you well and then placed back into the closet, beside the desk, under the bed and very seldom ask what they want to do. This trauma after being subjected to worms, viruses, phishing, Trojans, spyware and at times, indelicate humans. Now the psychological profession has created criteria to diagnose a new mental affliction: POST TRAUMATIC CYBERNETIC CHALLENGE DISORDER (PTCCD). Its a particular nasty afflict...
July 11, 2005 by Chuck
July 10, 2005 by Chuck
A great idea and good style to boot-Knoppix . A friend brought over the latest issue and said give it a try to see what you think. Admittedly, I was accustomed to prior black and white releases until the booting process began and then there it was: COLOR. A fantastic GUI with color; they finally bridged the gap and now have a fully functional color GUI to convince people to use as a weapon against viruses, phish, malware, spyware, etc. Somehow, I like the idea of a sitting computer that e...
July 8, 2005 by Chuck
Occasionally this dream occurs where a giant computer is visualized controlling the entire planet Earth. The color is vivid, details succinct and Congress doesn't mangle the definition of spam. Its called a Giant Computer, but in reality no bigger than the former Mac Cube. The technology is highly advance to the point where my wandering fingers received a good jolt of joy juice when I attempted to look in. Not ready yet, I guess.......So I will observe and report back: 1. The operating sys...
July 6, 2005 by Chuck
Congress just recently voted themselves another pay increase since its getting more difficult to live on what a public servant income providess, speaking fees, donations, etc. You just don't the trials and tribulations of congressional servitude in addition to the economic travails. For examaple, let's look at an average congressmember personal budget: POOR WIDDLE ME INCOME FOR THIS YEAR Taxpayer Income As Representative……………….$165,000 Speaking Engagements……………………………..$150,000 Speak...
July 6, 2005 by Chuck
Its July 5, 2005, the fireworks are over, combat Vets can relax again for another year and various politicians can check the polls to see if their speeches created a rise in popularity. Meanwhile, more GIs are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan midst the fireworks and various spoutings of patriotism at home. President in a Bubble gave a speech at the University of West Virginia where he promised to remember NSC 68 and the Carter Doctrine for next year. PIB also stated he will recall his name at...
July 4, 2005 by Chuck
I've been around computers a long time and still find many things to amaze me. Emerging technology makes products obsolete in a matter of weeks just when you get to the point of adjustment thus creating consternation over the amount of money spent. Many of us still have Zip drives whether 100MB or 250MB that are still extremely useful. I don't put as much information on them as before since the CD/DVD burner hold more and thus a better workout. I began thinking about my computing in this vein...
July 2, 2005 by Chuck
My first computer was a Commodore 64 and what a joy then. The graphics were superb, computing a whiz and hooking up to Q-Link unbelievable. Naturally, a Commodore 128 was the logical next step and my reveling didn't stop. Something happened after that to change my mental health completely: Windows 3.11. Anyone who has been around since the prehistoric days of home computing and the gigantic office IBM 360/40 knows what this is a hint towards-it was revolutionary to comprehend. Finally, a home...
July 2, 2005 by Chuck
It's not that Ann Coulter's recent comments on Gitmo lacked some legitimacy, but taxing to note again a typical Coulter pattern of developing some logic only to be rendered ineffective by verbosity and convoluted thought. Even conservative analysts give her some credit, but then she goes into the irrationality successfully undermining any gained rational thought. Perhaps, this is why her most common technique is a shotgun approach to writings and speech, spice it up a bit with invectives, sen...