Comments from the darkness where only a den of iniquity exists or perhaps I'm in the White House.
Dem Weasly Wiberals Are Weally BaDDD
Published on July 2, 2005 By Chuck In Current Events
It's not that Ann Coulter's recent comments on Gitmo lacked some legitimacy, but taxing to note again a typical Coulter pattern of developing some logic only to be rendered ineffective by verbosity and convoluted thought. Even conservative analysts give her some credit, but then she goes into the irrationality successfully undermining any gained rational thought. Perhaps, this is why her most common technique is a shotgun approach to writings and speech, spice it up a bit with invectives, sensationalize and then lose logic by the last sentence. For example, it would be easier if problems were simply the workings of a single group, but we know this isn't so. Her tiring attempt to blame all societal ills on liberals is matched only on the equally infinite blame of Bill Clinton for inclusive morality problems since the Monica affair. It is not only an affront to intellectuality, but not indicative of the fine academic institutions she graduated from, Cornell University and the University of Michigan. Secondly, the continue distortion of information and blatant abuse of academic validation, i.e. her book endnotes, only emanates from her undying admiration for the late Senator Joseph McCarthy who perfected these techniques in his writings and speeches. Neither his nor Coulter's words can stand up to fact checking nor academic scrutiny; and one has to struggle to get beyond the ill-defined crafting to understand her real intent: selling more books. Perhaps the best manner to indicate this is to simply let Ann Coulter prove she is her own worst enemy:
9/11, Iraq War, Muslims:
Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.
<[Town Hall, September 14, 2001,]
This Is War, Sept. 12, 2001, from her syndicated column We should invade their countries, September 13, 2001

Her later excuse was she wasn't speaking of all Muslims, just some, but not all the time, but only some of the time:

Coulter says her line about "convert them to Christianity" has been misconstrued and was aimed at those celebrating the attacks. "I wasn't talking about Muslims generally," she says. "I was talking about the crazed homicidal maniacs dancing in the streets." [The Washington Post, October 2, 2001]

However, excerpts from Coulter's Book, How to talk to a Liberal(If You Must),indicate it wasn't a word play or joke as some agrue. Two days after 9/11/201, Coulter wrote of invading Muslim countries, killing their leaders and forced conversion to Christianity. Hardly Christian, much less American in values or accepted behavior. In fact, Coulter's statements were so considered so outrageous that even the conservative National Review fired her while conservatives condemned her comments However, after many attempts to rationalize her comments, Coulter wrote this in the above cited book:

"I am often asked if I still think we should invade their [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity. The answer is: Now more than ever!"

Further, Ann offers way to improve air travel safety in the same book:

* April 28: On racial profiling and air travel:

"Like many of you, I carefully reviewed the lawsuits against the airlines in order to determine which airlines had engaged in the most egregious discrimination, so I could fly only that airline. But oddly, rather than bragging about the charges, the airlines heatedly denied discriminating against Middle Eastern passengers. What a wasted marketing opportunity! Imagine the great slogans the airlines could use:

"Now Frisking All Arabs -- Twice!"
"More Civil-Rights Lawsuits Brought by Arabs Than Any Other Airline!"
"The Friendly Skies -- Unless You're an Arab"
"You Are Now Free to Move About the Cabin -- Not So Fast, Mohammed!"

A week later, she detailed a five-point plan guided by an "all-new standard for airline safety procedures:...procedures that [actually] make the airplane safer" of which point 3 proposed requiring "passports to fly domestically". "Passports can be forged", she continued, "but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males". Point 4 observed, "All 19 hijackers in last week's attack appear to have been aliens.... [Legally,] Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries leave."
From her syndicated column, Where's Janet Reno when we need her? September 20, 2001

"Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries leave....We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males." Her syndicated column two weeks after September 11, 2001,

"Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity (as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of 'kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name Mohammed')." - from her column at, March 4, 2004.

"The Times was rushing to assure its readers that 'prominent Islamic scholars and theologians in the West say unequivocally that nothing in Islam countenances the Sept. 11 actions.' (That's if you set aside Muhammad's many specific instructions to kill nonbelievers whenever possible)" From her book, How to Talk to a Liberal(If You Must), 2004.

On [Fox News Channel's February 7th] Hannity and Colmes, Alan Colmes confronted Ann Coulter with the following statement she made at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference: We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too."
Coulter whined to Colmes, "I didn't know we were talking about this tonight, but now that you've sprungit on me..." but confirmed she made the comment and boasted it was a "huge hit with the audience."
Colmes: "You hate liberals. You despise liberals. This is unbelievable.We should execute them to make liberals scared?"
Coulter: "Right. Right!" Hannity&Comes, Feb. 10, 2002

"The presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail." on ibid , Aug. 24, 2001

"I have to say I'm all for public flogging. One type of criminal that a public humiliation might work particularly well with the juvenile delinquents, a lot of whom consider it a badge of honor to be sent to juvenile detention. And it might not be such a cool thing in the 'hood to be flogged publicly." MSNBC, Mar. 22, 1997

"I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don't need any more." Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, "Well, before the New Deal...[The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start." Politically Incorrect, 5/7/97

"In the corporeal world, international law is whatever the United States and Great Britain From Slander, it is."
"If they have the one innocent person who has ever to be put to death this century out of over 7,000, you probably will get a good movie deal out of it." on MSNBC 7/27/97

"Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy."
Her syndicated column, Liberalism And Terrorism, May 26, 2004

"I just want to make sure we got this right. Liberals hate America. They hate all religions except Islam. Liberals love Islam, hate all other religions."
Ann Coulter: "Post 9/11."
Donahue: "Well, good for you." The Phil Donahue Show, MSNBC, July 19, 2002

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do." Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002,

"I really want to hurt him. I want him to feel pain." (Referring to the possibility of running against a Democratic Representative) Quoted in the Hartford Courant, June 25, 1999

"Conservatives believe man was created in God's image, while liberals believe they are gods. All of the behavioral tics of the liberals proceed from their godless belief that they can murder the unborn because they, the liberals, are themselves gods. They try to forcibly create 'equality' through affirmative action and wealth redistribution because they are gods. They flat-out lie, with no higher power to constrain them, because they are gods. They adore pornography and the mechanization of sex because man is just an animal, and they are gods. They revere the UN and not the U.S. because they aren't Americans -- they are gods."

"The FBI allowed thousands of Americans [in the WTC] to be slaughtered on the altar of political correctness. What more do liberals want?" This Whistle-Blower They Like, June 13, 2002

"When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors." address before the Conservative Political Action Conference, Jan. 2002

"The thing I like about Bush is I think he hates liberals." Quoted in the Washington Post, Aug. 1, 2000

"Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now." Slander, p. 6

"If liberals were prevented from ever again calling Republicans dumb, they would be robbed of half their arguments. To be sure, they would still have "racist," "fascist," "homophobe," "ugly," and a few other highly nuanced arguments in the quiver. But the loss of "dumb" would nearly cripple them." her book, ibid, p. 121

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote." Hannity and Colmes, Aug. 17, 1999

"The swing voters? I like to refer to them as the idiot voters because they don't have set philosophical principles. You're either a liberal or you're a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster. " Beyond the News, FOX News Channel, June 4, 2000

"Giuliani wants to have a national ambition, and I'm a big fan of his, but he's going to have to become pro-life if he wants to run for president. No one ever believed he was pro-choice anyway - here's a Catholic from Queens," she says, adding, "most Americans understand that Manhattan is the Soviet Union." Quoted in "All Smiles On GOP's Right Wing",, Sept. 1, 2004


"Kwanzaa itself is a lunatic blend of schmaltzy '60s rhetoric, black racism and Marxism. Indeed, the seven 'principles'of Kwanzaa praise collectivism in every possible arena of life – economics, work, personality, even litter removal." Kwanzaa: A Holiday from the FBI, Dec. 24, 2002

"I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don't need any more." Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, "Well, before the New Deal ... [The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start." Politically Incorrect, May 7, 1997

"With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming, liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society."
o Slander, p. 26

"(Again, talking about the 2002 Academy Awards) "Whenever white liberals are in trouble, they always run to the blacks. Immediately after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, Monica went to a Washington Wizards game where she hoisted some poor unsuspecting black girl onto her lap in full view of the cameras. Bill Clinton dropped the subtlety and dashed off to Africa. After his abomination of a presidency, Jimmy Carter built housing in Harlem."

"Apparently, Oscars night was Hollywood's shot at patronizing blacks to generate goodwill -- perhaps as wartime penance for its long-standing hatred of America." -- Ann Coulter's "I like black people too, Julia!" 4/1/02"

The Environment

"The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet -- it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view." her column "Oil Good; Democrats Bad" October 12, 2000

Ann Coulter: I take the biblical idea. God gave us the earth.
Democratic Strategist Peter Fenn: Oh, OK.
Coulter: We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees.
Fenn: This is a great idea.
Coulter: God says, "Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours."
Fenn: Terrific. We're Americans, so we should consume as much of the earth's resources...
Coulter: Yes! Yes.
Fenn: ... as fast as we possibly can.
Coulter: As opposed to living like the Indians. Hannity and Colmes, June 22, 2001

The Media

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building." - in a New York Observer interview August 26, 2002.
"Of course I regret [the previous quote]. I should have added 'after everyone had left the building except the editors and the reporters.'" - in a interview June 26, 2003.
"The only standard journalists respect is: Will this story promote the left-wing agenda?" How to Talk to a Liberal, 2004.

Veterans, Disabled & Seniors

"People like you caused us to lose the war." (to a disabled Vietnam Veteran) MSNBC, 10/11/97

"During an interview with FAIR's radio show CounterSpin (8/9/02), Coulter challenged a story about her reported by Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz:

Howard Kurtz made up a quote about a Vietnam vet, which he knows he made up, which has now run twice in the Washington Post, once in Talk magazine, once in People Magazine, once in the Washingtonian. It's something I allegedly said on TV. Why doesn't somebody produce a tape of that?

Coulter was referring to Kurtz's account of a 1997 debate on MSNBC's NewsChat show (10/11/97), when Coulter was a paid MSNBC contributor. According to Kurtz (Washington Post, 10/16/98), "Coulter was debating a disabled Vietnam vet when she snapped: 'People like you caused us to lose that war.' (She says she didn't know the guest, appearing by satellite, was disabled.) That ended her MSNBC career." (My note-hard to believe since Muller lost both legs and is in a wheelchair.)That Post report, Coulter told CounterSpin, was "absolute lies.... It's absolutely out of character for me." Extra! asked Kurtz about the charge that he'd fabricated the quote for his report. In an email, Kurtz responded: "The account of Ann Coulter's remarks to the veteran on MSNBC was provided to me by Coulter herself, who told me she liked the piece and never complained about the passage until she was trying to sell books."
Kurtz also told Extra! that MSNBC had confirmed that Coulter was let go after making such a comment to a disabled Vietnam veteran.

In the MSNBC NewsChat segment, in which Coulter debated Bobby Muller, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, her exact words to the paralyzed veteran
were: "No wonder you guys lost." She was interrupting Muller's point about the role that landmines played in the Vietnam War: "In 90 percent of cases that U.S. soldiers got blown up--Ann, are you listening?--they were our own mines." Muller responded to Coulter's remark with an incredulous "Say that again," while moderator Felicia Taylor sharply rebuked the in-house pundit: "OK, we're not going to get into that conversation. Ann, that was unnecessary! Mr. Muller, please continue...."
Coulter could say that Kurtz did not quote her exact words--though considering that she was the apparent source of his report, which would take some chutzpah. "People like you caused us to lose that war" is a fairly accurate paraphrase of "no wonder you guys lost," so there's no sense in which Kurtz's article is an "absolute lie" that depicts her saying something "absolutely out of character for me." (Coulter responded:) "I never said they didn't"

"February 11: On former Senator Max Cleland (D-GA): "Luckily for Cleland's political career and current pomposity about Bush, he happened to do it [lose an arm and both legs] while in Vietnam."

"Then there are the 22 million Americans on food stamps. And of course there are the 39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security. The greatest generation rewarded itself with a pretty big meal." - WorldNetDaily, December 2, 2003.

"[Learning difficulties are a cover for] rich parents with dumb kids...That's why 'Pinch' Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, is alleged to have dyslexia - because he's retarded" The Independent (, 16 August, 2004


"I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote. No, they all have to give up their vote, not just, you know, the lady clapping and me. The problem with women voting -- and your Communists will back me up on this -- is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care." Politically Incorrect, Feb. 26, 2001

"I think the other point that no one is making about the abuse photos (Abu Ghraib) is just the disproportionate number of women involved, including a girl general running the entire operation. I mean, this is lesson, you know, number 1,000,047 on why women shouldn't be in the military. In addition to not being able to carry even a medium-sized backpack, women are too vicious." - from Hannity & Colmes, 5 May, 2004,

"...a cruise missile is more important than Head Start."Ann Coulter, Nov. 2001 speech rebroadcast by C-Span in Jan. 2002,

"It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 - except Goldwater in '64 - the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.",3605,956452,0... ) May 17, 2003.

Assessing President George W. Bush's recent gains among female voters, according to some polls, Coulter remarked during an appearance on the September 23 edition of FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes: "I'm so pleased with my gender. We're not that bright.

Lack Of Knowledge

KING: If then were now, they couldn't make a case against Thomas Jefferson.
COULTER: He was never president.
(my note: Thomas Jefferson was elected President in 1800)
KING: One at a time. Alan then Ann.
COULTER: I believe the reason for this is because of the one impeachment of a president, of Alexander Hamilton, was over Hamilton's refusal to enforce an unconstitutional law, so Congress was accusing the president...
DERSHOWITZ: You've got the wrong president, Ann. Ann, you've got the wrong president. It wasn't Alexander Hamilton, it was Andrew Johnson.

"Coulter started more restrained than usual, though she predictably bashed Hollywood liberals for trying to undermine the historical standing of a president they despised by resorting to trashy revisionism. Perhaps she even had a point. Who could tell what the producers were aiming at? But then she jumped the tracks. She claimed that the movie Patton was made by Holly-libs with "hatred in their hearts" for George S. Patton, the brilliant but erratic World War II general. These filmmakers "intended to make Patton look terrible," she maintained, but because they produced an accurate work, the movie ended up making "Patton look great and people loved him."

Was Patton a left-wing Hollywood conspiracy that backfired? Host Chris Matthews immediately challenged her in his subtle fashion: "You are dead wrong." He pushed her for proof, and she replied, "That is why George C. Scott turned down his Academy Award for playing Patton." Coulter was suggesting that Scott had spurned his Oscar because the filmmakers plan to destroy Patton's image by portraying the general "as negatively as possible" had gone awry.

Matthews wasn't buying. "Who told you that, who told you that?" he shouted. Her Oracle-like response: "It is well known." She added, "Why did you think he turned down the award, Chris? You never looked that up? It never occurred to you?"

Matthews retorted, "Because he said he wasn't going to a meat parade, because he didn't believe in award ceremonies." And Matthews was right. Following the show, I took Coulter's advice and did look it up. I found a 1999 obituary of Scott that noted he had stunned Hollywood in 1971 for being the first person ever to refuse an Academy Award. He had explained his action by slamming such awards as "demeaning" and he had dismissed the Oscar ceremony as a "two-hour meat parade." Coulter had twisted this well-documented episode into yet more proof that liberals--especially those in Hollywood--are conspiratorial traitors." Chris Matthews, Hardball,

Her Detractors

"One of the most reputable scholars who has studied the McCarthy era in great detail, Ron Radosh, is appalled at the damage Coulter has done to the work he and many others have painstakingly done over the years. "I am furious and upset about her book," he told me last week. "I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments. You might recall my lengthy and negative review in The New Republic a few years ago of Herman's book on McCarthy; well, she is ten times worse than Herman. At least he tried to use bona fide historical methods of research and argument." Now Radosh has endured ostracism and abuse for insisting that many of McCarthy's victims were indeed Communist spies or agents. But he draws the line at Coulter's crude and inflammatory defense of McCarthy." "I think it is important that those who are considered critics of left/liberalism don't stop using our critical faculties when self-proclaimed conservatives start producing crap."

"[In response to Mike Barnacle] I've been promoting my book today so I haven't read the [Ninth Circuit] decision [declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional]. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding about my coming on this program to talk about my book. But I will guess that the judges who said the pledge of allegiance violates the constitution were appointed by Democrats and not Republicans I haven't looked at the decision, I haven't heard about the decision. But that's a wild guess I'm going to make.... [Later, responding to Katrina van den Heuvel] Oh, I'm just waiting to see if anyone will take any bets on me on whether the judges who wrote this decision were appointed by a Democrat or a Republican." MSNBC's Hardball, June 27, 2002, NOTE: The decision was rendered by Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, appointed by Richard Nixon in 1971

"Coulter's Treason was marketed as "an explosive defense of Joseph McCarthy," and indeed, she finds much to admire in the man: "The myth of 'McCarthyism' is the greatest Orwellian fraud of our times. Liberals are fanatical liars, then as now. The portrayal of Sen. Joe McCarthy as a wild-eyed demagogue destroying innocent lives is sheer liberal hobgoblinism. Liberals weren't hiding under the bed during the McCarthy era. They were systematically undermining the nation's ability to defend itself, while waging a bellicose campaign of lies to blacken McCarthy's name."

Arnold Beichman, a conservative from the conservative Hoover Institute, reviewed Treason in the arch-conservative Washington Times, and wrote that he'd "tried to read Miss Coulter's book and failed. Life is too short to read pages and pages of rant."

After I described this exchange to someone who once worked with her, he said, "That's Ann. She lives in her own world and she just makes things up." This interlude concerned a small matter. (Who knew we would be debating one of my favorite movies?) But this minor dustup provided evidence to support a serious charge. As Matthews remarked while wrapping up the segment, "Facts mean nothing to you, Ann." If so, why continue to have her on? David Corn, 11/5/03, Nation Magazine

The same could be asked of Ann Coulter since, as David Corn, stated, "is an illustration of how a certain kind of virulent right-wing politics is based on emotion, not reason. Almost to a one, I found that the most hateful voices on the right were venting their own deep-seated problems and frustrations." David Brock, Washington Post, Feb. 26, 2002

"Ann is an illustration of how a certain kind of virulent right-wing politics is based on emotion, not reason. Almost to a one, I found that the most hateful voices on the right were venting their own deep-seated problems and frustrations. " David Brock, Washington Post, Feb. 26, 2002

For who seek to use invectives or namecalling towards myself or others in Ann Coulter defense, the following is submitted for you to ponder:

"A central component of liberal hate speech is to make paranoid accusations based on their own neurotic impulses, such as calling Republicans angry, hate-filled, and mean." Her book, Slander, p. 19).
"Liberals don't try to win arguments, they seek to destroy their opponents and silence dissident opinions." ibid, p. 91)

"Political debate with liberals is basically impossible in America because liberals are calling names while conservatives are trying to make arguments...It's really all the same lie [that liberals tell], that conservatives are either stupid or scarily weird and therefore you don't have to deal with their ideas."

Somewhere the late Senator Joe McCarthy is smiling down on Ann Coulter, but he learned as she will too that there content does not reflect American values millions of citizens fought and died for to preserve our way of life and Constitution. She has no defense for using the word "traitor," and is careful of applying individuals with that term, but does so openly on groups knowing the laws of slander. Hate is something this society could do without, but Ann Coulter continues to divide Americans during these troubled years and like those before her, has no defense her insidious actions. Most of us are progressive in some beliefs while conservative in others; a right inherited by birth. Regardless, my citizenship is 100% United States of America solidified by honorable military service to my nation during time of conflict. Yet, her labeling would smear me with being a "liberal, traitor, etc." simply due to challenging her viewpoint, being a Vietnam Veteran which she has animosity towards, a writer of sorts and a believer in the constitution. Its easier to demean for what she thinks I am rather than meet me to find what and who I really am. That would not lend support to shock value and sell books. That, my friends, is un-American since the Constitution defines free speech and expression as cornerstones of our republic. Thee is no doubt this writer would fight for Ann Coulter's right of free speech even if it meant my demise, but it is fairer to ask her to be accountable for what she does say. I already accept the fact her life would not be offered up for my right of free speech since that wouuldn't sell books. That is the other cornerstone of our republic-accountability which she absolves herself from. The problem is many want to believe her as a simple problem solver for complexities befalling them rather than choose their won path; it's easier and painless. The most appropriate way to end this is by quoting Mr. Joseph Welch during the defining moment of the Army-McCarthy hearings after Senator McCarthy had attempted to foist a lie and smear an attorney in Mr. Welch's firm who had not labored on this case. McCarthy, however, was upset at the incisive questioning of Roy Cohn, one of his favored employees and disregarded an agreement between McCarthy, Cohn and Welch which forbade bringing up Welch's attorney if Welch would not reveal Cohn failing his West Point Academy physical and specifics:

Mr. Welch: ...Little did I dream you (McCarthy) would be so reckless and cruel as to do an injury to this lad...It, is I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I will do so. I like to think I am a gentleman, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me.

Thomas C. Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy, page 630-631.

NOTE: McCarthy, however, much like Coulter, would not give up his attack strategy even when wrong and this is what ensued:

Mr. Welch: I meant to do you no personal injury and if I did, I beg your pardon.
Let us not assassinate this lad further. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

Thomas C. Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy, page 631.

So I humbly ask of Ann Coulter, have you no sense of decency; no decency when you deride honorable disabled Veterans; have you no sense of decency of those immortal words, "All Men Are Created Equal" as you spew your venom towards people not meeting your racial profiling, but are American Citizens; and lastly, have you no decency towards Senior Citizens and the Disabled in this nation. If can't answer positively, then please be quiet.


A Systematic Accuracy Check of Ann Coulter's Best-Selling Screed,
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right

Ann Coulter: The Jargon Vanguard
By Brendan Nyhan July 16, 2001 Scoobie Davis interview with Ann Coulter Transcripts of Donahue and Katie Couric Interviews

Coulter getting owned. (Quicktime)

9/21 Bryan: Coulter advocates profiling of Arab "aliens," deportation

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 02, 2005
This is a great article. I was thinking of doing a piece on the disgusting antics of Coulter, but I never got around to it. Mon, you covered it. She is one of the worst of the worst, and she has this uncanny way of smearing and slamming, wherein truth does not matter. And, her back-peddling is the most insincere drivel.

Thank you for writing this. Now, I'm sure her supporters here will now vilify you for your opinions. My advice - Be prepared, and don't take it personally.
Oh what the hell....... take it personally. They mean it to be personal.
on Jul 02, 2005
Its easier to demean for what she thinks I am rather than meet me to find what and who I really am

chuck?? you gotta study both teams' playbooks more carefully. now you're gonna have to pay her side a royalty for using one of their registered trademark lines. everyone knows only arrogant liberals and democrats do the kinda stuff you attribute to ms coldheart umm i mean coulter, motivated of course by their native elitism and delusions of intellectual superiority.
on Jul 02, 2005
no decency when you deride honorable disabled Veterans

she's not alone in this. rove (while acting on behalf of the president) had no problem trashing max cleland both in 2002 and last year during the presidential campaign.

for that matter, i woulda never imagined i'd live long enuff to see a presidential campaign in which a decorated combat veteran running for the whitehouse could be trashed for his service and then beaten by his attackers--much less seeing it happen again on a much larger scale 4 years later in last year's campaign.
on Jul 02, 2005
She's an American heroine.
on Jul 02, 2005
Good article, Chuck.

The girl does get carried away & digs herself holes that are hard to climb out of. Thoughtful conservatives allow her opinions and arguments to inform their own about as much as thoughtful liberals allow those of, say, Al Franken, or Ted Kennedy, or Howard Dean to inform theirs. As is always true, it is up to us to separate wheat from chaff. At least Ann isn't a Senator or Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

I've not been a fan of her smartass bravado, which I think is what gets her into trouble, but I'm glad you agree with her points on Gitmo, pithy as they were.
on Jul 02, 2005
Thank you all for the comments.
on Jul 02, 2005
She's no different than the Moores of the left, call and response. Oh, wait, they get awards and Presidential box seats at the DNC... nm. No worries, though, Democrats will have us outpaced in insipidness until the day we make someone like her head of the GOP.
on Jul 02, 2005
Both the right and left play dirty politics sadly enough. We need to focus in and remember what this nation stands for to stymy people like Coulter from deriding at ease just to sell a few books. Please, help me either recall or enlighten me to someone in the center or left that accomplishes this type of continuous derision that Coulter does without regard.

Regardless, she is not reflective of the America I war born and raised in nor of the values learned. So many politicians aren't, but not as cruel as her.

Thanks for the comment.
on Jul 05, 2005
To expand on BakerStreet's point a bit, one of the differences between conservatives & liberals is that conservatives pay money to listen to and read people like Coulter, whereas the left elect them. You just don't hear from elected conservatives the kind of stuff we've heard from Gore, Dean, Durbin, Pelosi, Reid and more, except, paradoxically, from the retired firebrand conservative Democrat Zell Miller. If it were just the Moores & Frankens, the Dems would be in a much better position to regain some of the political ground they've lost.

on Jul 05, 2005
I understand Daiwa what you are saying....I forsook both Republicans and Democrats years ago after returning from Vietnam. Have been politically independent since and enjoyed the position immensely. Dirty tricks abound on both sides and have taken the essence of politics away. I disdain the idea of labeling conservative and liberals since I am conservative about some things, but progressive in others; consequently neither label would fit.

Both parties need to deviate away from the BS and become orators again as in the old days. They need to just quit pussyfooting around with their pollsters, get down into the trenches and find compromise to get this country moving towards unity instead of division. God, do I miss the days of Everett Dirksen, H.R. Gross, Adlai Stevenson, LBJ in Congress, and all those other.

Enough....thanks for the comments..
on Jul 05, 2005
Both parties need to deviate away from the BS and become orators again as in the old days. They need to just quit pussyfooting around with their pollsters, get down into the trenches and find compromise to get this country moving towards unity instead of division. God, do I miss the days of Everett Dirksen, H.R. Gross, Adlai Stevenson, LBJ in Congress, and all those other.

Enough....thanks for the comments..

Usually Chuck I disagree with your line of thinking. But not this time! You are 100% correct. They need to knock of the BS and get back down to brass tacks. And that's both sides.
on Jul 05, 2005
Thanks, drmiler. Regardless, both you, I and many others are concerned about this great nation and can see the many personal agendas in government creating disunity.

Thanks for the comment.
on Jul 06, 2005
I disdain the idea of labeling conservative and liberals since I am conservative about some things, but progressive in others; consequently neither label would fit.

I'd say I am like you, with the scale tipping on the conservative side, and there are many more of us than ultraliberals and ultraconservatives think. We can't be pidgeon-holed and taken for granted the way the Democrats have taken some for granted for so long. Had 9/11 not happened and if we weren't engaged in the war against the terrorism which enabled it, I might vote a little differently, because my position on a number of issues is at odds with that of the Administration, but I've concluded, for better or worse, that the security and economic growth issues trump the others at this point in our history.

on Jul 06, 2005
Security and economic growth are always important considerations. Security in any form as long as its consistent and makeshift in response to a fictitious threat. 9/11 occurred to display weakness in our system unfortunately, but can't help but feel the current administration took advantage of the fear to create their own personal agenda. The economy is still up in the air as too much outsourcing has not resulted in anything positive for our workers nor with plant closings. We need a more dynamic president who is more consistent, more cerebral and more honest with the American people to connect with the many problems the average joe is feeling right now. Just to understand how Joe feels about Congress voting themselves another pay raise when many doen't even know where the car payment is going to come from. Doesn't make sense...if you are going to be of the people, then be from the people and don't give lip service to either.

Thanks for posting again....
on Jul 06, 2005
Security and economic growth are always important considerations. Security in any form as long as its consistent and makeshift in response to a fictitious threat. 9/11 occurred to display weakness in our system unfortunately, but can't help but feel the current administration took advantage of the fear to create their own personal agenda. The economy is still up in the air as too much outsourcing has not resulted in anything positive for our workers nor with plant closings. We need a more dynamic president who is more consistent, more cerebral and more honest with the American people to connect with the many problems the average joe is feeling right now. Just to understand how Joe feels about Congress voting themselves another pay raise when many doen't even know where the car payment is going to come from. Doesn't make sense...if you are going to be of the people, then be from the people and don't give lip service to either.

Thanks for posting again....
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