Goodness, gracious, John Byrne at Raw Story and Ron Brynaert at Why Are We Back In Iraq did the hardcore research that elaborated and expanded on the Rude Pundit's initial reporting showing Baa Baa Ann Coulter apparently plagiarized a column. This isn't surprising since charges of the same regarding her "books" substantiated major errors in facts, footnotes and overall lack of scholarship, but no lawsuit ensued from any quarter. Poor Baa, Baa, she just can't seem to find her groove lately after receiving criticism from both progressive and conservative quarters. Her latest escapade involves criticizing President Bush for selecting John Roberts as a Supreme Court Justice nominee after a shameful episode of cajoling 9/11 survivors. She's in it for the bucks and creating sensationalism is her stock in trade regardless of the subject.
Let's hear it for Karl Rove and the White House. They are spinning out excuses for Rove's questionable conduct faster than Dennis Rodman changing wedding gowns in his prime. Pointer George continues to qualify the previous qualification to his qualification about firing anyone who leaks classified information since doing so would mean him dismissing the President. It's readily apparent Karl needs to take a hike to Baghdad and remain there in an attempt to avoid the Special Prosecutor's tentacles, but then again he would do even more to disrupt the fledgling Iraqi government. Now a State Department memo has come forth showing the document Rove and Stephen Hadley, now National Security Adviser, learned about Plame from was classified TOP SECRET and her paragraph was designated SECRET. All in all, it's a pretty pathetic scene with administration apologists still attacking former Ambassador Joe Wilson as a diversion. Accepting this type of behavior from employees is similar to the current president's father pardoning lawbreaking Iran-Contra participants. Either way, the symbolism is sad to fathom.
Microsoft has announced the name of their wholly new operating system, codename Longhorn, to be Windows Vista. The new system will be a cross between Apple, Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 98SE, XP, XP64, DOS, Atari and Sen. Oren Hatch. Does this make sense? All except Atari have a relationship, but the continually high cost of MS operating systems, perpetual security flaws and constant updates doesn't jive either.
II I find myself concerned about people believing in conservatism very deeply and echoing the anti-liberal statements being somewhat condescending and labeling in their dialogues. Those seeking to use invectives, condescension or name calling of anyone representing an intellectual challenge should ponder Ann Coulter's words:
"A central component of liberal hate speech is to make paranoid accusations based on their own neurotic impulses, such as calling Republicans angry, hate-filled, and mean." Her book, Slander, p. 19).
"Liberals don't try to win arguments, they seek to destroy their opponents and silence dissident opinions." ibid, p. 91)
"Political debate with liberals is basically impossible in America because liberals are calling names while conservatives are trying to make arguments...It's really all the same lie [that liberals tell], that conservatives are either stupid or scarily weird and therefore you don't have to deal with their ideas."
Interesting she is placing the onus on liberals, but thus far my only experiences with lack of civility has been with those affiliated with the right wing. Being neither left nor right, I write what is felt and leave it at that; then I am accused of not having my facts straight or just being a damn liberals. I am only human, but research my facts very carefully before writing. Perhaps its that alone that frustrate some with my articles about Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. Nobody is perfect and one has to accept human weakness along with the myth these two perpetuate about themselves. The real problem here is how President Bush and his true believers have successfully divided Americans into labeled categories of us and liberals. Good way to generate anger, level hostility and perpetuate the myth any problem was started by a liberal. Its simply amazing to see this happening since my relatives underwent the same thing in Germany during WWII since they were not of the right thinking species, eggheads, and therefore were declared enemies of the states since they refused to cooperate. They died in Auschwitz rather than become Nazis. Anger is a very dangerous thing in the hands of some who know not how to control it. Thin skins should be covered with civility and then rehashed again.
Next Time.....